Founded in 1975, Universal Technic develops and produces open frame current transducers whose most known example is the current clamps. Our development department is characterized by its reactivity and its concern for customers’ needs. We always try to adapt the products to suit our clients’ applications. Working with OEM, resellers and final users, we offer a wide range of products (over 3500 references) allowing the measure of current AC and DC from 1mA up to 15000A.
Our products are mainly meant for electrical metrology professionals, when accuracy, sturdiness and repeatability are necessary and even mandatory. They allow the measure of current and power, network quality analysis, leakage current detection, data transmission… The main applications are test & measurement, power quality, energy management and automotive.

   Micro clamps
The micro clamps cover measuring needs on small sized conductors up to 200A. Their thin jaws can enclose cables with a max diameter of 15mm which make them the ideal choice for measuring hard to reach conductors. This range exists for the measure of insulated conductors (M1, M2) as well as naked ones (M3 and M4 are 600V CAT III). The longer casing of the M2 and M4 allow space for a PCB, useful for some applications such as to improve the phase shift for power measurement or rectifying the signal for DC data loggers.
pince micro pour conducteurs de petites tailles
   Medium clamps
The middle sized clamps are divided into models each with their own characteristics. They can, depending on the model, measure currents up to 1200A and enclose cables up to 54mm. This family includes economical types of clamps such as the US and NS, the S type for the measures of naked conductors, the SM clamps with their distributed winding for a more accurate measure as well as the SC Hall Effect clamp for DC currents.
pinces économique, pour mesures sur conducteurs nus, à bobinage préparti, à effet Hall
   Large clamps
The large clamps family allows measures on higher currents, up to 1600A for the “16” types, 3200 for the “32” types and up to 7500Adc for the HC and PC Hall Effects clamps. Their design allows their use on busbars.
pinces pour mesures de courants importants

1, rue Robert et Sonia Delaunay 75011 PARIS - 01 43 700 800

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